Q. Is Evolution a Workable Paradigm?
A. Here are excerpts from What Darwin Couldn’t Know, by Dr. Werner Gitt.
While Darwin himself may have regarded the implications of his message with some trepidation, today’s ever more godless world adulates its patron saint in an endless parade of journalistic jubilation.
His conclusion, that all species could be traced back to a single common ancestor, is not scientifically sustainable. After him, mankind lost its special status of being created in God’s image, becoming instead a mere random upstart of the animal kingdom.
Mutation can only change hereditary information already there. Without the DNA info system already in existence, evolution could not get started. Mutation is a random process, without any conceivable goal-orientation. So it could never produce new functional systems (e.g. the invention of new organs).
Sexual Reproduction
Evolutionists teach that the “invention” of sex was crucial for the development of higher organisms. Through repeatedly new combinations of genes, many varieties emerge, from which the selection process ensures that those best adapted to their environment are more likely to survive. Two reasons rule this out:
- Sexual reproduction itself could never have arisen via an evolutionary process. It would only be possible if both sexes already possessed functionally complete reproductive organs. How can such organs develop gradually over thousands of generations, when the organisms cannot reproduce sexually without them?
- Even assuming that sexual reproduction somehow just arose, such mixing and recombining of hereditary information would still not be capable of producing new information. Plant and animal breeders have shown that highly bred cows still remain cows, and wheat never gives rise to sunflowers.
Technological Ingenuity in Red Blood Cells
Every drop of our blood has 250,000 red blood cells. These highly specialized submarines have no life-threatening torpedoes on board; instead they perform functions vital to life.
- Throughout their 120-day lifetime they are refuelled with oxygen 175,000 times, while simultaneously offloading the waste product of oxidation, carbon dioxide, in the lungs.
- These little transporter ships are so tiny, they can squeeze through the most narrow capillaries to reach every part of the body.
- Every second, two million new red cells are produced, containing haemoglobin, a remarkably complex chemical compound.
Haemoglobin transports oxygen even during development of the embryo. Up to about the third month of pregnancy, its oxygen needs are distinctly different from those in the ensuing foetal stage, which are different again from the needs of the infant and adult. Each stage, embryo, foetus and adult, requires a chemically different form of haemoglobin. These three types of haemoglobin could not have arisen by evolutionary processes of trial and error, because most other varieties of the chemical cannot carry enough oxygen, and would thus be deadly.
Examples That Speak
The beautiful Golden Plover emerges from an egg laid in Alaska. Because of the bitterly cold winter there, the birds relocate to Hawaii, 4,500km away by way of a non-stop flight. The birds cannot swim, and there are no islands on the way for them to rest. For this epic journey, the golden plover needs a full tank of fuel, in the form of 70gm of fat acquired through deliberate over-eating. 6.8gm of this takes into account the possibility of headwinds. Flying day and night for 3½ days, the bird would not survive without this precisely calculated level of fat. Without an accurate navigation system to find Hawaii it would face death! Mutation and selection are inadequate. Clearly the golden plover was created with these capacities.
The sperm whale, though a mammal, is able to surface rapidly from a depth of 3,000 metres without getting ‘the bends’, which would kill most other mammals attempting this feat.
Many of the bacteria in our bowels have miniature built-in electric motors, which can run forwards or backwards.
In most cases, life itself depends on the full functionality of the organs (heart, liver, kidneys, etc.) Unfinished organs, yet to be developed, would be useless. Evolution knows of no direction towards an ultimate goal or target in the form of a finished product.
Where Does Information Come From?
The strongest arguments in science are always those in which scientific laws can be invoked to preclude the possibility of a proposed process or event. Scientific laws know of no exceptions. This is why a perpetual motion machine, one that runs continually with no external input of energy, is impossible.
Today, we know what Darwin could not know—that the cells of all living things contain an unimaginable amount of information, which they also happen to store in the most compact form so far known to us. The development of all organs is information-directed, and all processes and functions in living things are information-controlled, including the manufacture of all the substances that make up our body (for example, more than 50,000 different proteins). The whole concept of evolution would only be feasible if there were some property in matter that permitted information to arise through chance processes. This is absolutely essential, because all the body plans of individuals, and all the complex processes in cells, are information-based.
Information is a nonmaterial entity, thus not a property of matter. The scientific laws about information state that matter can never generate such a nonmaterial entity. Further, that information can only arise from an originator with intelligence and will. We can see, then, that someone who thinks evolution is possible must believe in a “perpetual motion machine of information”, i.e. in something strictly forbidden by the universally applicable scientific laws. This is the Achilles’ heel of Darwinism; at this point, evolution requires science itself to be abandoned.