Wrong Decisions
Q. When I’m cross I make bad decisions. But when I’m very happy I also make wrong decisions. How can I stop making wrong decisions? A. As human beings we often make wrong decisions because: We’re selfish and mostly decide in favour of what we want; We’re influenced by our feelings, emotions; We’re influenced by the world’s norms and values. When we become Children of God, He begins to train us away from making bad decisions by teaching us what He feels…
Water Baptism and Dedicating Babies
Q. Why do we “Dedicate’ babies to the Lord; is there such a doctrine in the Bible? A. Some hold that Dedication replaces Infant Baptism or Christening in evangelical churches. This is quite incorrect. Firstly, Infant Baptism is unscriptural and found nowhere in God’s Word. In fact it thwarts God’s teaching on Water Baptism. TheCatholic Encyclopaedia Vol. 2, page 261, says, “The most ancient form usually employed wasunquestionably immersion. In the Latin Church immersion seems to have prevailed until the 12th century.…
Tongues the Essential Sign
Q. Is Speaking in Tongues an essential sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit? A. One might ask, When frying eggs and bacon, will one hear the crackling in the pan and will the aroma fill the room? In this poor illustration, these are not essential to the meal; they just happen. We shall see that God has designed Speaking in Tongues for a number of reasons. However, rather than focussing on Tongues, expect rather the infilling of Him Who is…
Tongues Dying Out?
Q. We used to receive a lot of Messages in Tongues long ago, but it seems to be dying out. What’s happened? Isn’t that important anymore? A. A recent secular publication touched on this very subject! Even the world has noticed that Pentecostal Christians are changing. The article has some suggestions as to why this is happening: Speaking in Tongues is quite weird to a lot of people; ‘Seeker-friendly’ Churches want to be successful in attracting members, so they de-emphasise practices…
Tithing in Tough Times
Q. With times so tough, does God actually expect us to tithe? Are we being legalistic? What does the Bible teach? A. Well, that’s quite a question. Sadly this Mag can’t give a full-length study on your subject; however, full notes are available upon request. For the serious enquirer, the main Scriptures to consider are Gen 14:15-24, Deut 26:1-4, Mal 3:8-12 and Heb 7:1-10. In Gen 14 Abraham met Melchizedek as King of Righteousness, King of Peace and Priest of the Most…
Tithing and the Law
Q. If we are no longer under the Law, why should I still tithe? A. There are perhaps three major reasons why people don’t tithe. First, they may be selfish; they’re not concerned with ancient Theology, and consider God’s claim ridiculous. Second, some are fearful that their stretched finances couldn’t carry the load, and are afraid to take drastic steps of faith. Third, most haven’t been taught God’s principles of giving and are ignorant of how He operates. This is…
Tithing and the Bible
Q. With times being so tough, does God actually expect us to tithe? Are we being legalistic? What does the Bible teach? A. Well, that’s quite an ask. Sadly this Mag can’t give a full-length study on your subject; however, full notes are available upon request. For the serious enquirer, the main Scriptures to consider are Gen 14:15-24, Deut 26:1-4, Mal 3:8-12 and Heb 7:1-10. In Gen 14 Abraham met Melchizedek as King of Righteousness, King of Peace and Priest of the…
The Road Back
Q. I’ve had a serious moral failure and feel so bad that, though I’ve repented and the Elders and the Church have forgiven me, I can’t even get back to fellowship. What can I do? A. Jesus told Peter that he would deny Him three times and even said that a rooster would crow to highlight his failure. Peter was offended that Jesus could even think such a thing of him, yet, lo and behold, it happened precisely as Jesus said…
The Nephilim
Q. Were the ‘sons of God’ (Nephilim) in Gen 6:1-4 fallen angels, and were their children from ‘the daughters of men’ demons? A. While some would hold to these thoughts, there is no foundation in Scripture to validate the idea that fallen angels produced offspring with human women. Wild guesswork! Your Concordance will tell you that ‘nephilim’, the word used here, means ‘giant’, more precisely a huge man capable of being brutish and bullying. Goliath is a good example; see also the…
The Bible’s Direction for Water Baptism
Q. Why do I need to be baptised in water? A. The most important reason is that Jesus Himself commanded His disciples to be baptised in water. The Lord Jesus instructed Water Baptism personally. If you are committed to Him, do His bidding. Water Baptism is a believer’s step of faith producing an act of obedience born out of a heart of love for his Lord. John 14:15 If ye love Me, keep My commandments. John 15:14 Ye are My friends, if ye…
Submission in Marriage
Q. This Submission thing confuses me and, in Marriage, even angers me. As a wife I always seem to get the rough end of the bargain! Help! What does God want of me? A. Perhaps you should start by asking what God wants for you! The Bible tells that He wants only good for you and Jer 29:11 says His plans for you will give you hope and a great future in Him. It is not surprising that we have conflict with…
Is Speaking in Tongues necessary?
Q. Is Speaking in Tongues necessary? A. In an age in which this phenomenon seems to be dwindling, our emphatic answer is YES. And here’s why: It was GOD Who chose to evidence the initial infilling, or baptism, in the Holy Ghost by the Speaking in Tongues. He gave this as a GIFT, obviously to bless His Children. The principle of Speaking in Tongues is a firm introduction of the Believer to relate to God in the realm of the Spirit, rather…