God’s Word, the Bible

God’s Word, the Bible

Truth, Error and My Responsibility

Q. Does God hold us responsible when our parents or leaders deceive us into believing error? A. Ezek 18:20 says, The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father; neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. God holds each individual responsible for his or her own soul. The responsibility for…

How to Read the Bible

Q.   I read the Bible regularly but I don’t find it stimulating and my life isn’t changing. What’s wrong? A.   It may be that you are reading God’s Word to accumulate knowledge that may generate spiritual experience in you. That’s the wrong way round; trust in God and what He says, and He will give you spiritual understanding – and the power to change and live in victory. Head knowledge becomes heart knowledge when you consume God’s Word as your daily spiritual…

God’s Face Shines

Q.   What does the Bible mean when it talks about God’s face shining on His people? A.   The Aaronic benediction of the Levitical priesthood in Num 6:25 contains the words May His face shine upon you. These seemingly simple words contain two of the great secrets of the Bible. God’s “face” refers to intimacy; “shine” refers to radiant spiritual power. This contains the two greatest blessings of all Scripture: A personal relationship with God, and, His glory revealed in believers by the…

Bible Study – and How to Grow Spiritually

Q.    I study the Word a lot and know quite a bit. But I feel stuck and wonder how I can really grow in spirit and faith. A.   Wow, that’s quite a question and you should really sit down with the Elders of your Assembly and chat the issue through with them. They care for you, know you and will be able to guide you into real spiritual growth. However, as I prayed over your question, 1 Cor 8:1-3 came to…