Critics and Persecution
Critical Parents
Q. I live with my parents whose non-stop criticism of my stand for Jesus is driving me crazy. What can I do? Can I last out? A. The Book of Acts tells how the Early Church developed and matured through persecution. Most of Christ’s followers paid for their testimony with their lives. Strangely, they were happy to do so! Why? They were honoured to be associated with this King of Glory Who had died for their sins, while they suffered for His…
Positive Confrontation
Q. How can I “speak the truth in love” and still maintain a real friendship? A. Without truth, friendship isn’t true friendship. “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” Prov 27:6 When you care about someone, it’s tempting to avoid telling the truth, especially when that truth might hurt. You might be tempted to shade the truth about yourself because you want to look as good as you possibly can. And you may…
Persecution and Martyrdom – Where is God?
Q. I’ve heard about millions of Christians being brutalized especially in Islamic countries. Where is God in this all? A. Rom 8:28 teaches that “all things work together for good” for God’s Children. If “for good” means a stable, safe, healthy, happy, and reasonably wealthy middle-class life, then we must conclude that God does not really work for the good of the greater part of the Church Universal. And a look at Paul’s sufferings in 2 Cor 11 would imply that…
Answering Critics’ Objections
Christians are Hypocrites, hypocrites are actors, people who pretend to be something they aren’t. Jesus’ harshest words were reserved for hypocrites. There always have been and always will be some hypocrites in the Church. But Jesus doesn’t ask us to follow others; He asks us to follow Him. Although Christians can represent Jesus either poorly or well, the real question is whether Jesus is a hypocrite. If He were, then the whole structure of Christianity falls into ruin. God’s Word…