'Marriage' Tagged Posts
Submission – Not Only for Marriage
Q. This Submission thing confuses me and, in Marriage, even angers me. As a wife I always seem to get the rough end of the bargain! Help! What does God want of me? A. Perhaps you should start by asking what God wants for you! The Bible tells that He wants only good for you and Jer 29:11 says His plans for you will give you hope and a great future in Him. It is not surprising that we have conflict with…
Spirituality in Marriage
Q. As newlyweds (for 3 years) we don’t always ‘get it together’ but we are reasonably OK. We both feel that there’s more for us than we’re enjoying. How can we grow spiritually as a couple? A. Right at the start, one vital piece of advice is that your best spiritual growth is assured only if you are in active and faithful fellowship in an Assembly of the Lord’s people. Get the Elders of your Fellowship on board with you…
Portrait of a Successful Marriage
Q. What does a healthy, successful Marriage look like? A. In Marriage, the parties are unique, and their relationship with the Lord is unique. It’s therefore impossible to give a universal picture of a good Marriage. Basic principles for Marriage are found in God’s Word and it really goes without saying that a couple should live in the Word to have God’s daily input in their lives. Another way is to examine the relationship God desires for the Bride of Christ…
Newlyweds and Church
Q. Does Marriage release newlyweds from activities in the Body of Christ? A. Your question surprises me since quite the opposite should result from a young, godly couple being married. Once, long ago, someone suggested, in jest, that a couple should have a year off to settle into married life. They took their thought from Deut 24:5, When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business:…
My Husband Works Too Hard in the Church
Q. My husband is very involved in Lord’s work and I’m feeling left out and don’t know how to cope. A. Most men in the Lord’s work have to discover how to overcome that very real downfall of neglecting their wife, and even the children. First and foremost, get rid of the negatives in your own heart – anger, resentment or bitterness. Second, don’t nag your husband; you both will be the worse for that. But do tell him that you…
Money Squabbles in Marriage
Q. We squabble over money and this is fast becoming a problem in our Marriage. What can we do? We really want to serve the Lord. A. The Lord is committed to you, and also to leading you out of your quandary. Thus your first step is listening to Him. If you can both embrace His way and Word, you’re well on the way to knowing His victory over your dilemma. Then: Trust your Lord totally. Money gives people a sense…
Money Squabbles in Marriage
Q. We squabble over money and this is fast becoming a problem in our Marriage. What can we do? We really want to serve the Lord. A. The Lord is committed to you, and also to leading you out of your quandary. Thus your first step is listening to Him. If you can both embrace His way and Word, you’re well on the way to knowing His victory over your dilemma. Then: Trust your Lord totally. Money gives people a sense…
Moneyand Marriage
Q. Money is a problem in my marriage? How can I stop it? A. No matter how much money or goods we have, we could always use a little more; we’re never quite satisfied with what we have. When will it ever be enough? According to Hebrews 13:5, 6, the answer is never – because money and goods are only temporary. To pin our hopes for happiness on material possessions is to ask to be dissatisfied. The Bible talks a…
Marriage and Serving the Lord
Q. Does Marriage excuse couples from activities in the Body of Christ? A. Forgive me for not understanding your question; please feel free to address the issue if I don’t satisfy your question. It is sadly true that when some marry, they become so wrapped up in their new experience that they tend to fade out of the “Church Scene.’ This amazes me since, as a young couple, their relationship with each other will have taken its direction and life from their…
Marriage – The Wrong Partner?
Q. What must I do if I feel I have the wrong Marriage Partner? A. Get to your local oversight as quickly as possible. Your very thought reveals a headlong direction into disaster. In any event, our Q&A Forum is far too small to explore the implications of your question. Suffice it to say that Marriage is a lot more important than many people think with their ‘hop in and hop out’ mentalities. God honours your Marriage Vows, and so…
Love Leaked Out of Our Marriage
Q. Love kind of leaked out of our Marriage but we enjoy mutual respect and a good working arrangement. But my wife doesn’t think that’s enough. A. God made Marriage and He made Love for Marriage and Marriage for Love. Since God is Love, Love has little or no meaning without Him. He alone founds, supports and grows love. Love is as great and as complex as God is. Three words for Love speak of the three kinds of Love He wants…
Leading Your Husband to Christ
Q. My husband is a really good man, but is not saved. I received Jesus six months ago and dearly want him to have what I’ve found in Him. How can I lead him to the Lord without offending him? A. While Salvation is an intimate matter between a human being and God, you can play an important part in bringing your husband to the Lord. Your role will be one of: Informing him about what Jesus means to you. Imparting God’s…
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