'Addictions' Tagged Posts

'Addictions' Tagged Posts

Suspecting Addiction

Q. What should one do when one suspects a Drug or Addiction problem? A. If the person for whom you are concerned is a close friend or your child, you may try a gentle and kind approach with an offer of working the problem through with him (or her). Reference to a godly specialist in drugs may be sought but, if that specialist is not born again, we recommend you first seek the counsel of your local oversight. If the party…

Recognising Addictions

Q. How may a relative, friend or a colleague recognise a Drug or Addiction problem? A. Generally, Substance Abuse may be detected by changes in normal or characteristic behaviour such as mood swings, anger, hostility or anxiety. Excessive or unusual use of Lip-ice, Vaseline or Zambuk – as pupils at some Cape schools mix cocaine into these gels to apply to their lips during school hours. Other tell-tale signs may be learned from the comments against the substances mentioned in…

Freedom from Pornography

Q. How can I be free from pornography? A. Pornography is a perversion of God’s declared order, and is in rebellious conflict against Him. According to Rom 1 it opens the door to being given over to a reprobate mind by God. It clings tenaciously to the human mind and is difficult to overcome since it appeals to a person’s base instincts. As with any sin or habit, breaking it is not easy. But Jesus died and rose to set…

Computer Capture

Q. My wife’s computer has captured her! It’s either the Internet or Solitaire. She always “just wants to check out a couple of websites.” But after two hours I wonder, Did she marry me or the computer? How can I stop her? It’s really serious! A.There is, with many women, as with men, an increasingly disturbing trend toward computer addiction. Some people play games for eight hours a day and get irritable and moody if they can’t have constant access…

Answering Addiction

Q. What is the answer to Drug or other Addiction problems? A. Without hesitation we say that (a) the addict, once ensnared, cannot free himself, despite his good intentions or strong promises, and (b) the Lord Jesus is the only answer to lasting deliverance from addiction. Demonic activity is often involved and counselling must be accompanied by intense prayer, total dependence upon the Holy Spirit’s guidance and His gifts, and, imperatively, the guidance and participation of your local oversight. ‘Going…

Addressing Addiction

Q. Addictions abound; alcohol, drugs, pornography, gambling, TV, Videos and Computers and the games they use to enslave people! How do we know when someone is addicted; what can we do? A. Just Google ‘Addictions’ and you’ll see how very short your list is. This Age of Addictions suggests that Satan has seduced Mankind wholesale into slavery of the mind and body. His intention is to make as many as possible become his slaves, carry out his evil plans and,…