

Violent Reaction to Correction

Q.   I’m a single Mom and my strong-willed 12-year-old boy reacts violently when I correct him. How can I correct what I’m doing wrong? A.   As a parent you are called to exercise parental authority. Without a husband, however, you are deprived of the father-figure and authority to augment yours, and implement the correction Johnny needs. It is thus very important that you engage the Elders of your Fellowship in your dilemma, and embrace and apply the godly counsel and oversight they…

Teaching Children – When to Start

Q.   When should one start teaching a child about the Lord, and bringing him to church? A.   Current trends favour teaching children life skills but leaving all spiritual guidance to the child’s choice. But this flies in the face of Prov 22:6 which directs us to ‘train up a child’; not to leave things to his discretion! Many parents follow the latest guidelines mooted by psychologists and educationists. We believe that this philosophy is seriously flawed and godly parents need to adhere…

Single Parent

Q.    How can I ever cope as a Single Parent? A.    It’s tough enough for a godly couple to raise a child in these “perilous times,” so the challenges facing a single parent, who is often the sole breadwinner, are enormous. Quite apart from the financial burdens you face, there are the stresses of your own spiritual and emotional support, being too strict with your discipline, or too lenient, handling your child’s growing up dilemmas, leading him to the Lord…

Raising a Daughter

Q:   How can I handle my rebellious teenage daughter over clothing, boys, school and her relationship with the Lord?    A:   If you don’t handle this correctly, arguments and counter-productive ill feelings and actions will develop. You’re not alone in this dilemma, nor are you being a terrible mother. Your daughter’s simply becoming her own person. That’s good, but the process can be rough. Here are some helpful hints: Put your trust in God and let Him do the work. He loves your…

Persecution – Parental Criticism

Q.   I live with my parents whose non-stop criticism of my stand for Jesus is driving me crazy. What can I do? Can I last out? A.   The Book of Acts tells how the Early Church developed and matured through persecution. Most of Christ’s followers paid for their testimony with their lives. Strangely, they were happy to do so! Why? They were honoured to be associated with this King of Glory Who had died for their sins, while they suffered for His…

Parental Pressure – Part 2

Q.        My Dad is often not around for me, and when I ask for advice, he tells me unbiblical, ungodly things. What can a believer guy do? A.  That’s quite a dilemma. However, be sure to keep your heart right toward your Dad. Love him and honour him and be the kind of son to him your Heavenly Father wants you to be. Your gentle and un-rebellious attitude towards him may well be the very thing that God will use…

Parental Pressure – Part 1

Q.   My Dad is not a Christian and sometimes wants me to do ungodly things. How can I respect him and get out of doing wrong? A.   While it may be tough in your situation, it’s not impossible and it also provides you with an awesome opportunity to share your heart and the Gospel, as a son, with your Dad. The ideal picture God wants you, as a Child of God, to reflect is the relationship between you and your Heavenly Father.…

Parent Delinquency

Q. My kids are driving me crazy. They are a law unto themselves and don’t listen to me. They’re growing up rotten. What can I do? A. Parents Contribute to Children’s DelinquencyI have visited many homes where a tragic scenario played out again and again. Mom, or sometimes Dad, says to Junior, ‘It’s time to go to bed,’ or whatever. Junior ignores his mother and continues to watch TV. After a few moments she says, ‘Junior, I told you to go…

Noisy Children in Church  

Q. Having raised three children, under the benches so to speak, is enough to teach one that there is no off the cuff answer since every child is unique and different. It comes down to understanding this uniqueness and applying concerted training to your child. This applies to life itself, not only meetings. A. Training calls for repetitive instruction and guidance because a child’s retention capacity grows only slowly. This may cause embarrassment or frustration to a parent, so your…

Letting Children Choose

Q. I want our kids to go to Sunday School but my unsaved husband wants to let them choose. They’re too young to choose! A. Try to reason with your husband, but if he is adamant about the children not going to Sunday School, don’t oppose him. There are a few positive things you can do: Honour your husband, as the head of your home, but don’t do this grudgingly; do it with faith as unto the Lord. Believe that…

Good Motherhood

Q.    How can I tell if I’m doing a good job as a mother? A.    As a parent you are unique; as a couple you are unique and your children are unique. So it’s difficult for anyone to tell you how well you are doing as a Mother. For those reasons, you have to be in close touch with the One Who made all of you. He knows you intimately and has plans for your lives. It’s in prayer before…

Critical Parents

Q.   I live with my parents whose non-stop criticism of my stand for Jesus is driving me crazy. What can I do? Can I last out? A.   The Book of Acts tells how the Early Church developed and matured through persecution. Most of Christ’s followers paid for their testimony with their lives. Strangely, they were happy to do so! Why? They were honoured to be associated with this King of Glory Who had died for their sins, while they suffered for His…
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