Evolution and Creation
The Flood and Rock Layers
Q: Do rock layers show evidence of the Flood? What evidence do we have that the Genesis Flood, as described in Genesis 7 and 8, really occurred? A: Genesis 7 explains that water covered all the high hills and the mountains, and that all air-breathing life on the land was swept away and perished. As part of the evidence of the Flood, we would expect to find rock layers all over the earth filled with billions of dead animals and plants…
The Bible is Supported by Archaeology
Q. I’ve been told that the Bible is a religious book and we should not expect it to be supported by archaeology. Is this so? A. Although it is not possible to verify every incident in the Bible, the discoveries of archaeology since the mid-1800s have demonstrated its reliability emphatically. Here are some examples: The discovery of the Ebla archive in northern Syria in the 1970s supports the Bible’s writings about the Patriarchs. Claytablets from around 2300BC reveal that personal and place names in the Old Testament are…
Origin of Races
Q. All mankind descended from Adam, or in fact Noah’s family. How did they change so radically into completely different colour and appearances? How did they travel from the Middle East to places like China, Iceland and Australia in a relatively short time? A. “Through faith we understand ….” Heb 11:3. The explanation given by God’s Word is true and totally dependable, despite what anyone else says. The Bible gives the authoritative account of our origin. Here is what it says…
Noah’s Flood Waters
Q. If the whole Earth was covered by water, where did Noah’s Flood waters go? A. Yes, the whole earth was covered by water, including Mt Everest, at the time of the Flood. The Bible’s account is accurate and is supported by science and sometimes very simple explanations! Read the Scriptures we’ve listed at the end of this Answer; they will satisfy your enquiry and also inspire you to read God’s Word with holy awe! Ps 104 tells how the mountains were…
Noah’s Flood
Q. Was Noah’s Flood a local Near East event and not the Bible’s worldwide catastrophe? Is what we believe legend or fact? A. The ‘Local Flood’ view rejects the Bible as the Word of God but at least 138 cultures around the world have legends of a giant flood in which only a few people were saved in a large boat. But many argue that there have been many large, local floods all over the world. When you hear God’s Word,…
Noah’s Ark and Dinosaurs
Q. How Could Noah Fit All the Dinosaurs into the Ark? A. Very easily; for example, dinosaurs went through sharp growth spurts. So, Noah didn’t need to take a pair of fully grown 30-ton Apatosaurus. Instead, he could have taken a pair of 4-year-old, one-ton specimens, and after they disembarked, they would grow fast and reach their full mass of 25–30 tons by the age of 12–13. Many dinosaur types have now been shown to be younger versions of differently-named dinos.…
My Evolutionist Lecturer
Q. I’m a youngish Christian at Varsity. I believe in Creation but one of my lecturers is making it his business to cram Evolution down my throat. How can I handle this? A. Remember, the Word of God, the revelation of the Holy Spirit and your relationship with the Lord Jesus is the primary basis for who we are and what we believe. Now here’s a fine opportunity for you to equip yourself – To establish what you believe about Creation, and,…
Mustard Seeds
Q. Is the mustard seed the smallest of seeds? A. In Matt 13:31-32 Jesus calls the mustard seed “smaller than all other seeds,” but full-grown, would be big enough for birds to nest in its branches. But we know that there are seeds smaller than the mustard seed. E.g. the orchid seed is almost dust-like. And can a mustard seed ever grow into a tree big enough to hold a bird nest? Jesus was not comparing the mustard seed to all other seeds in…
Long Life, Really?
Q: Could people really have lived for over 900 years? A: It’s incredible that Methuselah lived to be 969 years old. Nevertheless, the Bible teaches that the early patriarchs often lived to nearly 1,000 years and even had children when they were several hundred years old! Similar claims are found in the literature of several ancient cultures, including the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Indians, and Chinese. But 1,000 years is nothing. God created us to liveforever! The Bible tells that God…
Light Before the Sun
Q. How could there be light on the first day of Creation if the sun was not created until the fourth day? A. This question is often asked. Gen 3:1-5 says, And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. A few…
Evolution and Vestigial Organs
Q. Evolutionists say that vestigial (useless) organs are a case against Creation. For example, what need is there for Body Hair? A. The eyebrows’ function is to keep sweat out of the eyes (eyelashes are also useful for keeping debris out of the eyes). In addition, hair on the top of the head is useful for insulation (a great deal of body heat is lost out of the top of the head) and protection from sunburn. On other parts of the body,…
Evolution – Why Shouldn’t I Believe in it?
Q. Why shouldn’t I believe in Evolution? Scientists do, and most people do. Intelligent Design must give place to Evolution. A. First point; Evolution is not fact, only a theory and a wicked one at that. Secondly, many scientists actually reject Evolution and more and more are openly turning to accept the God of Intelligent Design. One reason amongst many, that scientists reject Evolution is that it is impossible to explain even the simplest of the incredible designs we find in…
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