Well-Meaning ‘Counsellors’
Q. There’s a dear lady in our Fellowship who is forever hurting folks although she believes she’s giving ‘honest, helpful feedback’ but it’s always her own distorted views of people and situations. WHAT can we do? A. If we could give you a ‘quick fix’ we’d become millionaires in a week. But there is no real ‘quick fix’, and there are many people in many Churches just like her. You could a) snub her, b) get angry and give her an ugly…
Parental Pressure
Q. My Dad is not a Christian and sometimes wants me to do ungodly things. How can I respect him and get out of doing wrong? A. While it may be tough in your situation, it’s not impossible and it also provides you with an awesome opportunity to share your heart and the Gospel, as a son, with your Dad. The ideal picture God wants you, as a Child of God, to reflect is the relationship between you and your Heavenly Father.…
Jealousy and Envy
Q. I’m caught in a jealousy/ envy trap. Why? And how can I get out of it? A. You’re experiencing one of the most harrowing traits of the old carnal nature. It is really nothing more than the outworking of pride since we feel we deserve to have what others have, or the honour or commendation given to others really belongs to us. Taken to its end, this attitude leads us to resentment and even hatred until it finally destroys us.…
Friendship Breach
Q. Something’s gone badly wrong between a special friend (not romantic) and me. What can I do about it? A. God prizes relationships and goes to pains in His Word to protect them whether in the family, between friends or even in the wider social or business context. The chief relationship, of course, is between Him and you. Matt 5:21-26, 18:15-20, are good reads in this regard. When your friendship broke down you probably spent a lot of time wondering…
Difficulty Making Friends
Q. I’m naturally introverted and independent, and enjoy my own company. I am a Christian, but why should I go out of my way to make friends? A. Many people feel like you do, and resent being “forced” by well-intentioned attempts to get them into friendships or social activities. I can’t pretend to understand your situation but, amongst the many reasons for people being withdrawn, are feelings of insecurity or unworthiness. Add to this the inevitable hurts we all suffer…
Dating and Its Dangers
Q. How dangerous is dating and how far can a Christian go with the opposite sex? A. Sadly, Satan has hijacked the healthy drives and emotions God created for us. For every Christian this will be a challenge and whether we live in the joyous liberty of the Children of God, or in the fake joy of the devil, relates to our choice. Be warned that the fake joy of the devil will end up as a bitter enslavement that will…
Dating – How Far is Too Far?
Q. In a relationship before Marriage, how far is too far? A. You should ask these perplexing questions and come to godly decisions, before passions arise to drive you beyond wisdom and purity. Here are some questions to ask: Does the situation invite impurity or help me avoid it? 1 Cor 6:18 says “flee fornication.”Avoid temptation through carelessness. What kind of reputation does my date have? Your acceptance can violate your values and put you in a position you may regret later.…
Dating – Are Elders Against It?
Q. We enjoy dating and everybody’s doing it. Why are some of our Elders so against it? A. Short answer: For probably the same reason you would stop your 3-year-old brother playing with fire! But you need more of an answer than that. First of all, never follow the crowd. Everybody ‘doing it’ doesn’t make it right. The crowd crucified Jesus. Crowds destroy our country and kill with ‘mob justice’. Is that OK? Crowds are always led by inflamed passion, never by principle.…
Dad’s Ungodly Advice
Q. My Dad is often not around for me, and when I ask for advice, he tells me unbiblical, ungodly things. What can a believer guy do? A. That’s quite a dilemma. However, be sure to keep your heart right toward your Dad. Love him and honour him and be the kind of son to him your Heavenly Father wants you to be. Your gentle and un-rebellious attitude towards him may well be the very thing that God will use…