What Happened at Salvation?
Q. What actually happened when I got saved, and what can I expect God to do with me? A. The most wonderful thing that can happen to a human being happened to you when you gave yourself to the Lord. At the moment you received Jesus as Lord and Saviour, by a divine act of God, your spirit was united with the Spirit of Jesus. Now Jesus is in you, and is your hope of the Glory of God. (Baptism in the…
Life After Birth
Q. Is there really life after Birth? A. Here’s a parable that sums it all up! In a Mother’s womb one day a baby says to its twin, ‘Do you believe in life after delivery?’ The twin replies, ‘Sure. Maybe we’re here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.’ ‘Nonsense,’ retorts the first. ‘There’s no life after delivery. What would that life be?’ ‘I don’t know, but there’ll be more light than we have here. Maybe we’ll walk with…
Helping a Friend to Salvation
Q. How can I help a friend take the final step to being born again? A. I’m glad you asked that because many folks are happy to witness to friends but never take it further. The ultimate joy, of course, is seeing your friend or loved one actually receiving Christ as Saviour. I won’t deal with witnessing, because you’ve already been doing that. As you’ve spoken to your friend, you will have noticed the Holy Spirit helping and guiding you.…
Heaven Without Church
Q. Can a person get to Heaven without an active part in a local Assembly? A. NO! How many outside of Noah’s Ark were saved?
Accepting Christ is Essential
Q. God loves us no matter how we feel about Him but I cannot believe that I have to accept Jesus Christ to gain life after death. A. Oh, you will exist forever after death; God made you a creature of Eternity. But there are two kinds of existence. One is without Jesus Christ in eternal misery and regret and this is hardly life; it’s actually called spiritual death, which is eternal separation from God. The other kind is Eternal…