'Youth' Tagged Posts

'Youth' Tagged Posts

Camp Testimonies | December 2015

These testimonies are from the young people at camp, in their own word how the Lord Jesus has touched their lives and how they will never be the same again! What really touched me was the fourth night when all the Counsellors spoke to everyone. It really touched me when everyone stood up and sung. Writing all my fears and secrets down and giving my heart to the Lord and that set all the fears and secrets free and it…

Camp Testimonies | July 2015

These testimonies are from the young people at camp, in their own word how the Lord Jesus has touched their lives and how they will never be the same again! Before I came to camp when something went wrong I blamed the Lord and wandered why he let us go through this, but now I know it was making me a better person. One more thing Rodeo said all good things have to come to an end but the best thing…