Freedom from Pornography

Freedom from Pornography

Q. How can I be free from pornography?

A. Pornography is a perversion of God’s declared order, and is in rebellious conflict against Him. According to Rom 1 it opens the door to being given over to a reprobate mind by God. It clings tenaciously to the human mind and is difficult to overcome since it appeals to a person’s base instincts. As with any sin or habit, breaking it is not easy.

But Jesus died and rose to set you free, and free indeed, and here are some practical steps to take while God works on you from the inside. And work, He will if you let Him – read Phil 2:13 which tells that He will replace your ‘wicked pleasure’ with His good pleasure!

  • Come to terms with the intense wickedness of porn; it is deceitful, destructive and damaging.
  • Decide – YOU must decide – that you WANT help. MAKE that decision.
  • Take the bold step of exposing your addiction to a leader in your Fellowship. You need someone to stand with you in counsel and prayer and either he will do it or assign someone trustworthy and of the same sex to engage with you.
  • Whenever you have the urge to view porn, inform your helper and agree to pray for him or her, who will do likewise for you. Mutual prayer directs faith and frustrates Satan’s attack.
  • While you will have the fellowship of a helper, focus your dependence on the Lord.
  • In Gen 4:7 God warns Cain that sin lies at his door; his past sin breathes guilt, entices him into doing it again and threatens to hold him captive in the future, But, He says, YOU MUST MASTER IT!” Sin will always ‘desire’ and entice you. Conquer it in Jesus Who has already conquered it for you. God put the onus on Cain, but sought to help him but Cain chose to disregard His advice. Finally, Resist the devil and he will flee from you – Jas 4:7 – but FIRST, submit yourself to God. Your resistance is useless without this primary submission to God.
  • Take action against the devil and your sin; pray, read the Bible, get into real fellowship and fill your life with godly things and godly people.