Evolution and Vestigial Organs

Evolution and Vestigial Organs

Q.   Evolutionists say that vestigial (useless) organs are a case against Creation. For example, what need is there for Body Hair?

A.   The eyebrows’ function is to keep sweat out of the eyes (eyelashes are also useful for keeping debris out of the eyes). In addition, hair on the top of the head is useful for insulation (a great deal of body heat is lost out of the top of the head) and protection from sunburn. On other parts of the body, hair may have a sensory function; hair movement is transferred to sensory nerves within the skin. Hairs also keep the pores in the skin open and healthy as oils move onto the skin from the glands at the base of the hairs.

Another argument they bring against Creation is the Appendix. However, this old evolutionary stand-by has long been shown to have a vital purpose, especially in early childhood. It is a storehouse of the ‘good’ bacteria that populate the intestines and which are essential for digestion.

Acknowledgement to Creation Ministries