Q. Does Marriage excuse couples from activities in the Body of Christ?
A. Forgive me for not understanding your question; please feel free to address the issue if I don’t satisfy your question.
It is sadly true that when some marry, they become so wrapped up in their new experience that they tend to fade out of the “Church Scene.’ This amazes me since, as a young couple, their relationship with each other will have taken its direction and life from their relationship with the Lord Jesus. The Church is the Bride of Christ. We seek to honour our Heavenly Groom, anticipate His arrival for us, His Bride and, all the while preparing ourselves for Him, seeking to please Him in all we do.
Since our Marriages reflect the relationship of Christ and His Church, I would say, if anything, newlyweds should be more active in the Body of Christ than ever. More than ever, all they will experience in Marriage is blessed and undergirded by their attendance upon their Lord Jesus in His Body.
Perhaps a sad commentary is that couples distancing themselves from the Body of Christ, invariably live to rue the day they fell away from Him. He said, “Without Me ye can do nothing.” A lovely commentary comes from other young couples who, plunging more deeply into Christ and His Body, become a veritable fountain of blessing to all.