Q. Where did Cain get his wife from?
A. This old perennial crops up every now and then but, sometimes, is a really serious enquiry. So I’ll not use the sarcastic comment one guy made, “I’ve got enough trouble looking after my own wife; there’s no time to worry about Cain’s!”
It’s really very simple. When God made Adam and Eve, they were genetically, physically and morally perfect. However, when they sinned, genetic, physical and moral degeneration set in. In those early days it was not uncommon for people to live over 900 years: Methuselah – 969; Adam – 930, etc. However, today life expectancy is dramatically less. For example, for South Africa, at No. 208 out of 223 countries listed, the CIA World Factbook 2011 places our overall life expectancy at 48.98 years. The UN figure places us marginally higher at 49.3 years!
Thus, with genetic and physical perfection still very close, Cain would have had no difficulty in marrying a sister who, in any event, would have been a relative stranger to him with the population growth and dispersion of humans over a period of up to 900 years!