What Happened at Salvation?

What Happened at Salvation?

Q.   What actually happened when I got saved, and what can I expect God to do with me?

A.   The most wonderful thing that can happen to a human being happened to you when you gave yourself to the Lord.

At the moment you received Jesus as Lord and Saviour, by a divine act of God, your spirit was united with the Spirit of Jesus. Now Jesus is in you, and is your hope of the Glory of God. (Baptism in the Holy Ghost is another separate, subsequent and glorious act of God in a believer who is thirsty for the fullness and power of God in his life.)

At Salvation, in your union with Christ, many wonderful things were transacted and commenced in you, too numerous to list here. But here are a few to reflect upon:

  • You became a Child of God, born of the Spirit, into His family.
  • Your sins were cleansed away and forgiven, never to be recalled.
  • Your eternal destination was changed from Hell to Heaven.
  • As you give place to God and His Word, your old carnal and sinful nature began to give way to the Nature of Jesus developing in you. God’s work in you will culminate, on that glorious Day when we stand before Him in Glory, in your total conformity to the perfect image and likeness of Christ, body, soul and spirit.
  • You began to grow in Grace – divine favour and divine ability – as you started to ‘sow to the Spirit’. Your desire for God and His ways started to take precedence over all the other passions in your life.
  • God began the process of ‘renewing your mind’ through the revelation of Jesus by the Holy Ghost, to bring about your transformation away from enslavement to this world’s ways and norms, thus starting the development of ‘newness of life’ (in the Spirit) in you.
  • God placed you in the Body of Christ, a local Assembly of His people, where you will be fed spiritually by His ministries, to grow to maturity in Christ as you develop a passionate love for Him and His Children in that Fellowship.
  • In your union with Jesus, He imparted a ‘measure’ of His own Ministry, ability and nature into you. This will grow to bring you to the fullness of your purpose in God, both in fellowship with Him, and also in a blessed and increasing effectiveness in your own ministry to the Body of Christ, the Church. This is what God saw for and in you – before He created the worlds!

This is but a tiny introduction to what God, in His Love and Grace, has started in you. As you settle in the Body of Christ and find your calling there, know that you are there, ‘set as it has pleased Him.’ You will be continually overwhelmed with the way He, through the Body, will build, direct and lovingly correct you, while all the while drawing you closer to Himself.

And the half has not yet been told! God bless and thrill you every day!

Life After Birth