

Maud Denton

Where do I start? The Lord preparing me at an early age for what was to follow in later years! I was born in 1935. At 4 years I had double pneumonia and lay at death’s door. I was prayed for by my grandmother and the doctor told my mother that I had turned around at Death’s door. The Lord had healed me. At the age of 6 I was diagnosed with TB of the lungs. The specialist said I…

Val Field

It was a joy for Wendy and me to commence our fellowship in the Rosehill Assembly, our new spiritual home, on 3 July 2011. Looking back on my more than 80 years, I realise so many mistakes and things I could have done better; things I made a mess of, errors of omission and commission. But one thing I did right was accepting the Lord Jesus as my Saviour! I was born into a very poor family of 5 children.…

Trish Lourens

My husband, Dave, and I gave our hearts to the Lord in 2007 and we were on fire for God. We had met with God. I can’t speak for myself but Dave’s face was radiant! We own a trucking company and 2010 was an incredibly trying year financially – we were even without lights for a month. It was awful! The thief had come to rob, steal and destroy our joy! We even grew cold in our hearts towards the…

Theo Rencken

Born into a family of 6 children, of whom I am the youngest, I never really got to know my biological father, who, during my early childhood was never around, but made brief appearances and then disappear again. I am so grateful for the safety and stability my God-fearing mother afforded us younger siblings. God was faithful in answering her prayers; during the 1970’s all her children came to know Jesus as Personal Saviour and Lord, including me! Mom truly…

Scott Wheeler

I grew up in a very liberal home. From about the age of 10 I began to explore life as I had come to understand it from those around me; cigarettes, alcohol and sexuality. By 13 I had become my own man – so I thought; friends much older than me, parties, girlfriends and a growing drug business. I was so engrossed in this great life and enjoying every minute of it. But my grades went down, my attitude deteriorated…

Peter Michell

I was blessed to be part of a God-fearing family. My father, small in stature, but a giant spiritually was the testimony I had in coming to Christ, 11 yrs old, 1961, in the Newcastle Masonic Hall. Bro Jim Mullan preached;  I remember the night clearly.  It was a defining time and I made a total commitment. God’s grace, patience, mercy and longsuffering has since been my portion. I married Linda in 1975 and we have been blessed serving the…

Michaela Raw

Had I not been standing upon my Rock, my Saviour, Jesus Christ, I would surely have been swayed by now. I cannot share here of all the Lord’s blessings, but ask me and I will gladly speak of all the wonderful things the Lord has done in my life. As a little girl I knew Jesus loved me and I loved Him too, but I didn’t yet KNOW my Saviour. I started getting to know Jesus at an AYM Youth…

Margaret Watridge

At the age of 6 my Aunt told me the story of the Great Shepherd, Jesus, Who came to save lost lambs, and gave His life to bring us into His fold. I was riveted! That night I asked Him to make me one of His lambs! Now, 69 years later, I say with joy, ‘The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want’. The Great Shepherd became God’s sacrificial Lamb to bear my sins and give me the blessed…

Glynnis Rothman

When I was “baptised” as an infant, my late great Uncle, Rev Archibald Kidwell, of the Wesleyan Church, wrote me a letter. Amongst other things I treasure, he said, “God has a work for you to do and He will reveal it in time. Do all you can to become a woman after God’s heart.” The impact of those words never meant much for me until later. Preparing the ground was my late maternal Granny, who encouraged me in the…

Geoff Hanbury-King

My relationship with the Lord started at High School when I gave my heart to Him. The Gideon folk gave me a small Pocket Bible and I wrote in front of it, “Lord, make me an instrument, useful in your hands.” After school a recurring sore on my head turned cancerous. It was treated, but it was a wake-up call. Life is not plain sailing; I would need to be watchful. Soon it was off to do National Service, and…

Dug Watridge

I was born in De Aar, Northern Karoo where I spent the first 10 years of my life. My most memorable times were when we went away on holiday to East London, Pretoria and my granddad’s farm in Aliwal North, yes away from De Aar!   I only have painful memories of school with its austerity and stony dusty playing fields. My mother was a member of a local church which my sister and reluctantly I had to attend with her. …

Des Rothman

Growing up in a God-fearing, rather than a God-knowing, traditional church home environment, left me unchanged, but slightly religious. At times, when my parents went to church, my younger brother, sister and I often “played church” at home. Using our beds, cardboard boxes and other objects we created a pulpit from which I ”preached”;  my sister would call out a hymn number and my brother would play along with our singing. At least we picked up something from churchgoing! In…
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