Q. What does a healthy, successful Marriage look like?
A. In Marriage, the parties are unique, and their relationship with the Lord is unique. It’s therefore impossible to give a universal picture of a good Marriage. Basic principles for Marriage are found in God’s Word and it really goes without saying that a couple should live in the Word to have God’s daily input in their lives.
Another way is to examine the relationship God desires for the Bride of Christ and her Heavenly Groom.
- God designed Marriage Gen 1:26-28, Eph 5:32
- God designed Marriage so that we could effectively represent Him and, on His behalf, take dominion, rule, manage every area of our influence. Marriage should not be insular, like it so often is, but outgoing on God’s behalf; a beacon of love to the world outside.
- God designed Marriage to give the world a working model of the union between Christ and the Church – Eph 5:32, Gen 1:26-28.
- God designed Marriage so that we could reproduce and raise godly children.
- God designed Marriage to house the fullest expression of Love in its totality:
- Eros Love: sensual, romantic, sexual
- Philia Love: companionship, caring, communication
- Agape Love: gift love, unconditional, self-giving, God’s kind of love, loves when the other is not willing, not for reward.
And since God is Love, Marriage must surely reflect His Character and Presence. This can only happen when He becomes the Senior Partner in the Marriage. He alone can bring the fullness of grace, mercy and love every Marriage needs. He makes up for our every deficiency with His perfect Presence and provision.
Godly Marriage is an ever-growing experience and expression of relationship with Him that impacts our beloved – and others.