Parental Pressure – Part 2

Parental Pressure – Part 2

Q.        My Dad is often not around for me, and when I ask for advice, he tells me unbiblical, ungodly things. What can a believer guy do?

A.  That’s quite a dilemma. However, be sure to keep your heart right toward your Dad. Love him and honour him and be the kind of son to him your Heavenly Father wants you to be. Your gentle and un-rebellious attitude towards him may well be the very thing that God will use to draw him to Christ. Let Dad see Jesus in you!

Now seek counsel, guidance, from the Lord. Here are some of the several ways in which God’s counsel comes:

  • God has given godly men to lead your Fellowship. Men with the ministry of an Elder – those who shepherd the flock of God – care for the sheep and attend to their needs. Draw close to the Elders in your Church, and stay close to them. Get to know them and learn to draw from the wisdom God has given them to guide and lead you into developing as a Child of God. Follow their wise counsel; the Holy Spirit will confirm it in your heart!
  • Read God’s Word daily and digest it prayerfully. You’ll be amazed how the Holy Spirit will lead you to the very answers you need.
  • Listen carefully to the ministry of the Word, and the Gifts of the Spirit, in your Assembly. God directs His wisdom often in this way.
  • As you pray – and do this daily – especially as you read the Bible, talk to God about what you’ve read, your questions and hurts – anything; then listen carefully as you give Him a chance to talk into your life. He does this by imparting His life into your spirit.
  • Finally, DO NOT seek advice from ungodly people or weak and doubting Christians. If they’re not living in victory, how will they help you? God bless and strengthen you as you find the true and blessed Fatherhood of your Heavenly Father.