Jews and Jesus

Jews and Jesus

Q. Is it true that Jews don’t have to accept Christ as Saviour because God is dealing with them on another basis?

A. No, it’s not true at all. It seems that you’ve come across Dual Covenant Theology, which is one of many heresies we’re hearing about in these End Times.

This falsehood teaches that Jews don’t have to be saved or witnessed to, because they are automatically saved! Where does the Word say that? This is serious because it robs Jews of the opportunity of hearing the Gospel and opening their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ, their Messiah and only Saviour, before it is too late.

Paul says, “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek” – Rom 1:16. Just when was that cancelled?

Some people twist the Scripture, which, in Rom 11:26 says, “allIsrael will be saved.” Indeed they will be saved – when they “shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son,” Zech 12:10. Seeing Jesus when He comes to take His place on David’s Throne in Jerusalem will melt their hearts in repentance and acceptance.

But, during this Day of Grace, Jews, like every other person, must come to receive Christ as Lord and Saviour. Failure to do so brings them under God’s wrath and eternal judgment – as with the rest of us.

As another thought, we praise the Lord for the many Jews who, over the last three decades or so, have been coming to Christ and call themselves Messianic Jews. The moving of God’s Spirit in their hearts seems to make it clear that He indeed wants to save them!

Rom 3:22 says, “…the righteousness of God whichis by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference …”

In not wanting to offend the Jewish community, people are keeping the truth about Eternal Life – and Eternal Judgment – away from them. There is an offence that comes from the Cross – Gal 5:11. However, believing in Christ and His Sacrificial Death turns the offence to Salvation! No one can be saved without the Cross!