Q. I read the Bible regularly but I don’t find it stimulating and my life isn’t changing. What’s wrong?
A. It may be that you are reading God’s Word to accumulate knowledge that may generate spiritual experience in you. That’s the wrong way round; trust in God and what He says, and He will give you spiritual understanding – and the power to change and live in victory.
Head knowledge becomes heart knowledge when you consume God’s Word as your daily spiritual food.
Approach your daily reading of the Bible like this:
- Believe that, as you read, the God of the Universe is addressing you personally.
- Don’t see the Bible as an ancient, mystical, document with interesting and wise information.
- See it as living, active, powerful – Heb 4:12 – and operating in you, revealing God’s power and love to change you – Phil 2:13.
- Ask the Lord to direct you as you read; He will! Then determine to apply in your life what He puts into your heart and mind.
- Believe that He is busy transforming your life – Rom 12:1-3.
- Don’t try to master the text; let God’s Word master you.
- Rather than studying Jesus, get to know Him; talk to Him as you read; let Him talk back to you through the Word.
- Come with a humble attitude; throw out the idea that you know it all, or that you’ve heard it all before.
- In John 6:63 Jesus says His Words are spirit and life. Believe that as you read, God’s Word will enter and impact your spirit with His new life. This is how the Holy Spirit works in you.
- Finally, throw away all your doubts, fears and past experiences. In His Word, you approach the God Who ‘makes all things new’. Before you say, “Yes, but …” listen to what He has to say; and believe it! You can, and must, trust Him with your whole life. He is no killjoy; He gives real joy and peace! Believe it; He will change your life from glory to glory – 2 Cor 3:18.