Democracy in the Church

Democracy in the Church

Q.    In a (largely) democratic world, what place does Democracy have in the Church?

A.   No place at all. Democracy relates to the will of the people; in the Church we strive to find and do the will of God.

The Godhead has given all authority in this Dispensation to the Lord Jesus. He, in turn, has given Ministry Gifts to the Church to lead and direct it to achieve the Father’s will. Godly Leadership in the Church is vested in the ministries of Apostles and Elders, and in the home, in the husband.

In the local Assembly, as Elders care for the flock they will attend to their needs and hear issues on their hearts. However, they must not be directed by the sheep; they have to be led by God as they present such issues to Him. The essence of submission to oversight ensures the Lord having His way amongst us. Anything less than this will result in the dominance of the flesh in the Church.