Chorus Leaders vs Bands  

Chorus Leaders vs Bands  

Q. Most Assemblies use chorus leaders at their meetings. Why don’t you favour Bands or Worship Teams? They produce better quality music and singing.

A. Let’s consider the purpose of music in the Church. It certainly has a part to play, but what is that part? God is not interested in good music as such; He seeks worshippers and their worship. Of course music may assist us to worship the Lord, but where it becomes more than that, or even a function in its own right, it tends to draw attention away from the Lord Himself, to the indisputable beauty or power of music itself. In so doing it becomes counter-productive to worship. We easily applaud the wonderful talent or beautiful music, and just as easily forget the One we come to worship.

In our experience the sweetest moments, and most powerful, we spend in God’s presence have been when His people give Him the ‘fruit of their lips’ without instruments. We repeat, though, that we are not anti-instruments, as long as they assist us in worship.  We do not question the integrity or commitment of Worship Team members or leaders but, where they excel, they will certainly enjoy the appreciation of the congregation! Does this rob God of His glory? Only He knows, but we strive to keep our attention upon Him.

Why do we sing? As we sing to the Lord, we give Him worship, praise, honour and our attention. Thus our hearts are prepared to hear what God has to say to His people. They will gladly receive the seed of His Word and go about doing His will with real joy.

We choose men as chorus leaders for a number of reasons:

  • Chorus leaders are men who function from the base of their God-given ministries. They will have prepared their hearts before the Lord as they chose songs for the meeting. Led by the Holy Ghost, they will take God’s people in the direction of what He plans for the meeting.
  • Their anointed authority and Holy Ghost inspiration will bring the people’s focus upon the Lord and prepare their hearts for His Word. More than leading choruses, they will lead the Church into worship and into the Word, and opening their hearts to the Lord.
  • As the Holy Spirit guides the meeting under the chorus leader, the songs they choose will often confirm the ministry to follow. Such confirmation encourages us, all the more, to heed the Word presented in much the same way Spiritual Gifts confirm the Word.
  • The chorus leader will lead in the Name of Jesus and on His behalf. It’s not his moment of glory; the glory belongs to God!

It is pertinent to offer a few guidelines for chorus leaders

  • Come prepared with your songs and having waited on God for His anointing. Scratching for a few scribbled songs five minutes before a meeting will not carry God’s blessing.
  • Avoid too much comment between songs. This can break the thread of what God is doing, and may detract from what the speaker will bring. Be sure to leave enough time for him. If God’s anointing is manifestly upon you, follow the Spirit’s leading and keep an eye on your oversight. Follow their guidance and humbly accept their direction and correction.
  • The joy of the Lord will feature in your leading, but keep joking to a minimum, and never at the expense of someone else. On the other hand, a too-serious leader will make the people miserable.