Bullying at School

Bullying at School

Q.   What is the Christian Answer to child bullying at school?

A.   If your child is being bullied it is essential that you attend to the matter without delay. This is a serious problem and becoming more serious each day. First, comfort your child and pray with him or her. Your child needs to know that he is totally accepted by you, that God will help you to get the victory together and, in due course, get him to begin to pray for the bully.

The second step you must take – don’t delay this either – is to see your child’s teacher and principal. Keep your cool, don’t be aggressive, but be serious and demand corrective action. If that fails, go to the highest Education authority in your area. If this fails, it’s time to address your local Ward Counsellor or Police.

All the while, reassure your child, pray fervently and trust the Lord!