Being in Fellowship

Being in Fellowship

Q. I’m a relatively new Christian and come to all the meetings I can. But is this the being “In Fellowship” I hear people talking about?

A. The Lord is prompting you into more than you already enjoy; great news! Your Assembly Elders will guide you into a fuller experience in the Body of Christ. However, here are a few pointers to start with:

  • When you were saved, the Holy Spirit baptised you into the Body of Christ and put you into a Local Assembly. More than joining an organisation, you became part of a living, spiritual organism.
  • Now you are a vital part of Jesus’ Church and God plans for you to mature to full and active participation in what He is doing in your area, drawing from and contributing to the growth of the Body of Christ. Digest and love what Ephesians 4:16 says!
  • Being ‘in fellowship’ starts with attending all the meetings in your Assembly so that you can hear what the Lord is saying to the Church through the Word ministered by the brethren. This is your chance to respond to God as He develops you through these ‘messages’.
  • Very soon you will learn the value of the Elders or Oversight in your Assembly. Place yourself in full submission to them; they care for you and guide you in your spiritual walk.
  • The Breaking of Bread is a focal point of the Assembly. Participate at the Lord’s Table – in the emblems, in worship, in prayer, in spiritual gifts and in ministry. For all of this you will need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, reading God’s Word and developing your relationship with the Lord in private prayer and worship.
  • Being ‘in fellowship’ will draw you to co-operate with and become accountable to the other ministries in the Assembly and also the ministries the Apostolic Oversight sends to your Assembly.

Being in fellowship is so much more than these few thoughts! It’s the essence of a vital relationship with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and with the Church, the Body and Bride of Christ. Enjoy!