Q. See our Redemption Hymn 335. Is there honestly a fountain filled with Blood?
A. William Cowper wrote this famous hymn in poetic or lyrical language and it expresses great joy and gratitude for the shed Blood of Jesus. Of course there is no literal ‘Fountain filled with Blood’. If we enter into the intended spirit of what the hymn writer is expressing then we are not being unscriptural singing this hymn.
The words, “I do believe, I will believe, that Jesus died for me!” is the central message of this hymn, but expressed in poetic language.
There is no ‘mystical Blood’ that we can wash in, and ‘pleading the Blood’ is not a Scriptural practice; what Jesus did on the Cross is 2000 years ago is forever effective before God. The giving of His life and the shedding of His precious Blood for us, met and satisfied the demands of God’s righteous justice, and His declaration that, without the shedding of Blood, there can be no remission of sins. In this context, praise God, Jesus’ Blood, has not lost its “ancient power” and still avails today as the price paid for our sin. The moment we come to faith in Christ, and His sacrifice for us, what is already effective before God, becomes instantly effective in our lives.